Oct 18, 2013


For the quiet
Where the loud thoughts grow louder.
where the play backs play uninterrupted
where thinking through thinks and thinks
where planning wishes on dishes and laundry and toilets and organizing of grandeur.

For the quiet
for the sleeping heart
for the safe for the tiny
for the loved

for the quiet
hushed in the humming of servants of machinery
humming away sidewalk chalk soiled jeans birthday cake splattered dishes
in the quiet where straight lines of antish invaders scoop up yet to be captured remnants of laughter

For the quiet
never quiet rambling mumbling humming thinks thinkeries

backwards when the blinds opening draws darkness in when light there should be

what part of you can we say is out of style? which born this way trait should be altered for fashion's sake? why should the tiny conform for the majority? why should tiny be trained not to love all that was made unique about her? Let's say it's your eye color, eye shape, the sound of your voice. Let's say its the shape of your toes, the thickness of your fingernails, the loves of your heart, the interests of your mind.
Conform you to the rest. Let's just stop to think. Think and consider that spilling out into more than the few areas highlighted in the mass media are prejudices of people. Who has the authority to judge another's trait as a less than? Authority only granted by the one affected. Just a second to think. Just a second to pause. No don't say it, it's not nice. You can't un say it once it's out. You just can't.

Four little humans run around in this world.
Little smiling faces functioning brilliantly in this world
    I made that

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